Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Sharing Facebook Password Essay - 575 Words

Sharing Facebook Password Employers and schools nowadays evaluate applicants from their social media accounts. For example, the applicant’s Facebook profile could be used to get information such as age, residence and even academic history. What worries Joanna Stern in the article, â€Å"Demanding Facebook Passwords May Break Law, Say Senators† is the fact that employers and schools require employees and students to give their Facebook passwords to access their profiles. This practice poses unanticipated legal liabilities. Thus, government officials have rose against the practice. Indeed, requiring a user to share Facebook account’s password for access to the user’s profile is morally wrong and does not meet its intended objective. The†¦show more content†¦Such information could cause organizations to make wrong conclusions on a user based on the wrongful information on the user. However, this practice has been noted to be beneficiary in understanding the character of an employee or student. Going through their profiles would reveal more on their relationships and interactions with other people. This would help organizations get the rightful applicants because an error in this could result in irreparable harm. Even so, as this practice becomes widespread, people would always clean their accounts before interviews to depict the needful and erase the undesired. This way, employers and schools would not gather useful information as the profile would have been customized to impress. Additionally, people could operate Facebook accounts to be used for interviews. Such accounts would contain what would be considered desirable for interviewers. They would have other accounts for normal socialization. Therefore, at the end of it, interviewers who access their Facebook accounts get wrong information on the interviewee. Despite the increased practice of requiring interviewees to provide passwords for their Facebook accounts so as to analyze their profiles, the practice does not meet its goals. It is an infringement into people’s privacy thus illegal. More wrong than right information would be retrieved as most people use disguised identities on social media.Show MoreRelatedIn 2012, Congress Failed To Pass The Ban Of Employers Asking1148 Words   |  5 Pagesemployees to disclose Facebook passwords. Due to this hot topic, author and Senior Vice President/Chief Content Officer of Black Enterprise Alfred Edmond Jr. was asked â€Å"Should business owners be allowed to ask job applicants for their Facebook passwords?† when he aired on MSNBC’s television show Your Business. After answering â€Å"Yes† to the question, Alfred Edmond Jr. wrote and published on his own website Black Enterprise, â€Å"Why Asking For A Job Applicant’s Facebook Password Is Fair Game,† t o go moreRead MoreCyber Security And Its Effects On Our Lives1446 Words   |  6 Pagesassets without completely disrupting our lives? Our lives will be impacted no action is taken. The best way to combat intrusion is to spend time each day on protecting ourselves. There are many simple forms of protection like; keeping your logins and password safe, using antivirus software, monitoring your children’s activity, keeping your social media private, and paperless payments (debit/credit card usage). With most people have phones, tablets and computer all of which save our personal login informationRead MoreResearch Paper on Facebook Diminishing Privacy1087 Words   |  5 Pageswould do all for the work for us. Social networking sites are creating many such concerns. 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The following information has been summarized here with source materials attached at end of paper: Office number: POST 314A E-mail: rnarayan@hawaii.edu Department: Department of Information Computer Science DepartmentRead MoreCyber Crime Is Dangerous And Should Be Looked At Closer By Individuals1051 Words   |  5 Pageswireless internet connection and use it without having to pay a penny. Computer trespassing is another type of fraud. Criminals are able to gain access to personal or company computers to look through files, peek at website browsing history, gain passwords, and can even save files to the computer, which are often viruses. In most circumstances, computer trespassing is achieved by attracting people to ads and luring them to click on attachments or download files. A common scam that most people fall

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Payroll Function - 18463 Words

[pic] Payroll Management Competence Framework Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 The Payroll Profession 4 Payroll and the World of Work 5 Overall Objectives of the Payroll Management Competence Framework 6 Enabling Successful Payroll Competence Development 7 The Competence Framework Pyramid 8 Applying the CIPP Competence Framework 9 Evaluation of Payroll Management Competences 2. Payroll Management Competence Framework Core Values and Competences o Professional Values o Business Management Core Competences for Payroll o Personal Competences Profile 3. Payroll Management†¦show more content†¦The â€Å"output† of payroll professionals (paying the right people the right amount at the right time) is, however, very much valued. It is, therefore, essential in the interests of all stakeholders, and primarily of CIPP members themselves, that the standards of performance expected of members should be clearly stated in a Competence Framework and that they are understood by all concerned. Payroll and the World of Work Payroll is central to many activities in business and working life. The integrity of the payroll function, in its widest sense, is essential if business and government is to operate properly. That integrity is largely in the hands of the payroll profession. The payroll profession’s public includes taxpayers, direct â€Å"outsourced† clients, employers, employees, local and national government, and those within the business and public sector communities who rely on the independence and integrity of payroll information for: †¢ Supporting transparent remuneration policies and practice; †¢ Ensuring cost efficient and financially effective use of human resources; †¢ Demonstrating sound internal financial control within organisations; †¢ Supporting confidence in the application of the UK tax system; †¢ Assisting in sound management decision-making by ensuring the availability of timely and accurateShow MoreRelatedInternal Audit : An Essential Tool For The Payroll Function1819 Words   |  8 Pages Internal Audit is an essential tool available to the payroll function. â€Å"The role of internal audit is to provide independent assurance that an organization s risk management, governance and internal control processes are operating effectively† What is internal audit? (2015) As a new payroll system was recently installed our internal auditors were asked to look at the robustness of the payroll controls in place. A comprehensive test was carried out and a few areas of concern were raised. Read MoreAnalyzing A Copy For The Means Of Producing A Deliverable Audit Report1600 Words   |  7 Pageswebsite at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/354950/000035495016000060/hd-1312016x10xk.htm. (10-K The Home Depot, n.d.) Audit Areas/Functions for Internal Audit The two functions that will be reviewed during this internal audit will be the receivables, credit and collection process as well as the payroll functions. It is important to review these two functions of an organization since errors or fraudulent activity in these areas can result in the misstatement of the financial statements. If errorsRead MorePayroll System1462 Words   |  6 Pagessuccess and capacity to give services. Payroll System is one of the fundamental needs of a company. Payroll is the sum of all financial records of salaries for an employee, wages, bonuses and deductions. In accounting, payroll refers to the amount paid to employees for services they provided during a certain period of time. Payroll plays a major role in a company for several reasons. From an accounting point of view, payroll is crucial because payroll and payroll taxes considerably affect the net incomeRead MoreAudit Atas Siklus Penggajian2794 Words   |  12 PagesClock Card adalah formulir daftar hadir karyawan c. Time ticket adalah formulir yang digunakan untuk mencatat waktu kerja seseorang karyawan atas penugasan dan jabatan tertentu d. Payroll Register adalah laporan yang berisi informasi penggajian seluruh karyawan perusahaan. e. Payroll Check adalah dokumen yang berisi perintah kepada bank untuk membayarkan sejumlah uang sebagai kompensasi yang diserahkan kepadanya. f. Labor Cost Distribution Summary adalah laporan yang berisiRead MoreTrolley Dodgers Case Essay examples1574 Words   |  7 Pagesaudit objectives for a client’s payroll function. Comment on both objectives related to tests of control and those related to tests of control s and those related to substantive audit procedure. The key audit objectives for client’s payroll function in this Trolley Dodgers Case are: i. Occurrence ii. Completeness iii. Accuracy iv. Posting Summarization v. Classification vi. Timing i. Key Audit Objective : Occurrence Dodgers must recorded payroll payments for existing employees onlyRead MorePayroll System Related Studies1800 Words   |  8 Pagesthis change the researcher will design a proposed system for Robles Bakery that would therefore answer the needs or the establishment in their method of giving in their employee’s salary. The purpose of this is to make their way of computing the payroll easier. Background of the Study Robles Bakery was established on June 21, 1985, by Mr. Mario Larcia at 50 M. Paulino Street San Pablo City Laguna. Robles Bakery was came from the owner’s surname, Mr. Ruperto Robles. It aims to produce and sellRead MoreReview of Related Studies1882 Words   |  8 PagesIntranet — Base Payroll System and Attendance Monitoring System. This chapter constitutes more on the study of the System Literature Side. It covers the related view and ideas presenting other payroll system made possible by other proponents and programmers. To review encompasses the critical aspect of all Payroll System study. 1. Foreign Studies Attachà © Payroll Attachà © Payroll (1999) Key Features. Available: http://www.attachesoftware.com/products/payroll/keyfeatures.aspRead MoreChecklist for the Payroll Cycle2111 Words   |  9 PagesControls Systems Over The Payroll Cycle †¢ Internal Control Checklists For The Payroll Cycle †¢ Tests Of Control Of Payroll †¢ Internal Controls Systems Over The Stock Cycle †¢ Internal Control Checklists For The Stock Cycle †¢ Tests Of Control Of Stock INTERNAL CONTROLS OVER PAYROLL To understand the need for controls, it is helpful to break down the payroll process into its component stages. The table shows the various stages of the payroll â€Å"cycle†, together with: Read MoreInternal Auditing Final Case Study3026 Words   |  13 Pagesresponsible for conducting an assurance engagement of the XYZ Company payroll process. This process has not been audited for three years and, as such, is due in the normal audit cycle. There have been no significant changes since the previous audit, that is, there were no system changes, no reorganization of personnel, and no substantive procedural changes. However, during the last assurance engagement, the internal audit function identified several observations, some of which were considered significantRead MoreOrg Behavior5012 Words   |  21 PagesBeanCounters. We began our investigation by reviewing different financial documents obtained from Tallahassee BeanCounters as well as information provided to us by others within the organization covering the period from April through July. We analyzed payroll documentation from Tallahassee BeanCounters and ADP, purchase orders, invoices, and shipping receipts for various equipment purchases. We examined concession purchases, and analyzed sales of tickets, parking, programs, concessions, and promotional

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Reality TV and the Effects on Youth Free Essays

Reality television has come to dominate the television industry. There are educational reality shows and noneducational reality shows. They both have their entertainment values. We will write a custom essay sample on Reality TV and the Effects on Youth or any similar topic only for you Order Now The difference? One is productive television, and one is counterproductive. There is good and bad in everything, and everything is good in moderation, but counterproductive TV is taking over productive TV. The time slots to watch educational reality shows are generally later in the evening. It is almost as if TV is trying to â€Å"dumb down† America. Non-educational Reality Television â€Å"Noneducational† reality TV includes shows like Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Teen Pregnancy, and My Sweet Sixteen. These prime time shows target youth, but they do not teach lessons. In fact, they do the opposite, since many young people think it okay to emulate these reality show stars. All these shows are scripted. For instance, Jersey Shore is actually filmed on a set 80% of the time. Yet these shows are passed off as reality. These shows promote drinking and heavy sexual content. Nonetheless they air in the time slot that targets youth. Kids seem to be growing up faster than just 20 years ago; perhaps disrespect and aggression can be blamed on the influence of the shows they are watching. Instead of fighting and being rude to each other, it would be nice if the characters in these shows could, for example, reflect how ten ordinary people come into a house and work together to make the quality of life better for everyone. They could show the reality of working together to pay the bills and keep food on the table. They could teach how to step in when something bad happens to someone else and help them get back on their feet in one way or another. Instead they have gone in the direction of survival of the fittest. Is this really the image that should be shown and taught to our future leaders? If where America has been heading in the past 20 years, it is apparent that survival of the fittest is not working. Perhaps if prime time television were to promote working together, it might help ensure a productive future. Educational Reality Television Reality TV does have positive things to offer. Some educational reality shows are Dirty Jobs, Cake Boss, and Do You know Who You Are. These types of shows depict the reality of America. They show what truly makes America run, and teach true morals and genuine respect towards others. True, these shows are scripted as well, but they are geared toward education and not violence, or the promotion of teen pregnancy, and spousal abuse. These shows do not promote alcohol abuse or speculate who is having sex with whom. However, these shows are targeted toward adults, as they are on at a later time slot, and much of our youth is not interested in watching real life. Prime Time Television Prime time television is aiming for ratings rather than the promotion of morals. But I think they could produce productive TV and get better ratings. Viewers must take some responsibility, though, since we can control what our kids watch. If most people ban shows that deliver negative messages from our homes, ratings will plummet and I would imagine TV executives would completely restructure their programming very quickly. How to cite Reality TV and the Effects on Youth, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield Essay Sample free essay sample

Every person has its ain dreams and ends in life. Each of them frequently thinks of something for this dream or end should come to go through ; such as reading. The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield teaches the reader some keys which is the concentrating schemes that has a possible to take one to success. The writer of this book divide these concentrating schemes into 10 logical countries. These are wonts. focal point. ends ( seeing the large image ) . balance. relationships. inquiring for what you want. continuity. assurance. decisive action. and purpose. At the terminal of each chapter theAction Stairsssubdivisions were rather effectual in prosecuting the reader in believing about the stuff every bit good as get downing to use this stuff to their ain life’s journey. Deductions: Harmonizing to the author’s position that successful people have successful wonts and unsuccessful people don’t. Taking this idea from the degree of single to organisation the same statement can be made for illustration ; successful organisations or companies have successful wonts and unsuccessful organisations don’t. We will write a custom essay sample on The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the procedure of taking or pull offing for success. it makes enormous sense to reexamine one’s organisation to see whatwontsare working for illustration ; adding value to the procedure and whatwontsare non working. All excessively frequently organisations and people within an organisation autumn into accustomed behaviour. which is really non profiting either. the organisation or the clients ( stakeholders ) served by that organisation. Examples of these types of non-productive wonts such as long disorganised meetings. sloppy communications. deficiency of procedure subject. and failure to document quality cheques. Equally of import is the demand to reenforce good wonts both at the single degree and within groups. The most of import thing in this procedure is the demand to maintain in head the author’s warning that before you can alter a wont. you need to first look into how long you or the organisation have owned it. The author’s place that one should concentr ate on their natural endowments or strengths to assist see success. Mention hypertext transfer protocol: //www. bizsum. com/articles/art_the-power-of-focus. php

Friday, November 29, 2019

Body Modification Essays - Human Body, Body Art, Culture

Body Modification Body modification and adornment is a universal culture. All civilizations have attempted to change their body in order to fulfill their cultural construct of beauty, religious and/or social obligations. Body adornment and modification is a very broad subject, ranging from ceremonial body paint to the amputation of appendages. In modern society many people today are looking more like tribal warriors of many African cultures. In fact many of these modifications actually do come from many ancient cultures. So why is body modification just now coming to the attention of the modern world? It is my belief that a greater amount of young adults are finding that imitating traditions of primitive cultures is an excellent way to express themselves. However, the quest for non-conformity is not the only reason people change their appearance. Dissatisfaction with ones appearance and fascination with alteration is also reason for one to modify their body. A piercing can be defined as any object, intentionally left in the body, for which there is no physiologically functional purpose, and must have be placed in an event which took a conscious decision. "Historically, piercing has had a long history in Europe, with references dating back to the Roman Empire. Soldiers in Caesar's army pierced their nipples, while male members of the Victorian Court wore Prince Albert piercings (piercing of the genitalia) as a 'dressing ring,' and was used to secure the penis to either leg with a string or thong, to suit the fashion at the time." Pants were cut very closely at the crotch, and would make the male genitalia very pronounced. I asked several men in an online chat room that had the same piercings mentioned above and typically their response was due to fascination or for sexual pleasure. "When viewed as a material aspect of our culture, popular piercing is an attempt to create an alien other: Something to shock and disconcert: An attempt to break out of the biological and cultural confines that limit the range of personal self-expression." Earlobe piercing is the most socially acceptable form of body piercing in industrialized countries. Modern ear adornments include the conch, the tragus, and two innovative cartilege piercings, the daith and the rook, which were introduced by California body piercer Erik Dakota. Other popular piercings in today's society include the navel, tongue, lip, eyebrow, and the nose. These are usually used to express ones eccentricity and individuality. Ear piercings are most widely practiced piercings among cultural groups in Africa, India, Indonesia, North and South America. In some third world countries ear piercings mark the life stages of an individual and to signify group affiliation. Ear cartilege piercings, especially popular among the Masai and Fulani, also emphasized beauty and wealth. Stretched earlobes are dominant among groups in Indonesia and South America. Stretched earlobes have increased in popularity among modern piercing enthusiasts. I noticed four men with stretched earlobes in about an hour time period on a recent trip to Philadelphia's South Street. I also observed over two-dozen shops on this one particular street in which piercings and tattoo services were offerd. Henna, also known as mehndi, is the painting of the body using temporary ink (usually a dark orange color) made from the herb henna, widely used in the Middle East. It's origins date back to 1700 B.C. in the Minoan and Mycenaean cultures. The patterns of henna painting vary from culture to culture. There are three main traditions that can be recognized, aside from the modern use of henna as a trendy temporary tattoo. Generally, Arabic (Middle-eastern) mehndi features large, floral patterns on hands and feet, while Indian (Asian) mehndi uses fine line, lacy, floral and paisley patterns covering entire hands, forearms, feet and shins; and African mehndi art is large, and bold with geometrically patterned angles. African mehndi patterns usually use black henna while Asian and Middle Eastern mehndi is often reddish brown. It is also a common custom in many countries to step into the mehndi, or simply apply the paste without creating a pattern in order to cool, protect, or treat the skin. This practice is rapidly growing in popularity because it is easy, temporary, and inexpensive. Tattoo as defined in Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary is an indelible

Monday, November 25, 2019

Abigail adam essays

Abigail adam essays Abigail Adams was a women of a unique personality . She was an intellectual because she wanted to have an education and demonstrated the desire to learn. As a mother, she passionately cared for her children during periods of disease and poor health that surround the country, that threatened her own life as well as others. As a wife, she stood by her husband during the early years of his political career when he often left her alone to care for their land and family. These roles illustrate her personality, and were especially evident during the presidency of her husband, John Adams. She was always her husbands number one supporter. Throughout the biography, Abigail Adams An American Woman, Charles Akers describes a strong modern women who had an impact on American Society and womens right. At age 15 Abigail met the man whose frequent absences, due to his duty to the Nation, would oblige her to exclaim she was bereft of my better half. During their four years of evolution from acquaintance, to friendship, to courtship, to engagement, and finally to marriage, John Adams could not resist the respect developed in him for her intellect, outspokenness- yet not overstepping the boundaries a woman at her time had in relation to a male, and acute point of views. John and Abigail married in the fall of 1764, and soon after that their lives began a journey of loneliness due to the demands that public service placed on him and his family, and the lack of hesitance with which he responded. During Johns absences, Abigail earned his love, respect, admiration and consideration even more so, as he considered her husbandry in the care of their property, their children and their overall affairs at home. John did not necessarily applaud her increasing dependency and freedom in speaking her mind, but did not, however, discourage it. She would become his dearest ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Claims Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Claims - Essay Example In the company, there were different groups doing specific tasks and with different leaders and communication system. The groups are motivated in different ways in respect to their output. In my self assessment test, I was exceedingly interested in working in groups. I like being the group leader since I can manage the group dynamics. In my future career plans, I would like to own a company and manage it myself. The competences are incredibly essential in the entire running of the company. They are inter related in that they all aim at achieve organizational goals and objectives. The effectiveness of a manager is determined by the outcome of the organization in regard to the set objectives and goals. If the skills and competences are effective, the organization will manage to achieve their goals and objectives. In most organization, the managers lack some skills and competences leading to poor management. ... In the organization, different personnel did more work than others. The organization had a policy of rewarding people and groups based on the output they delivered. This was extraordinarily critical, and it encouraged people to work extremely hard to get more rewards (Scott, Spriegel and Clothier 22) Nominate one management skill to investigate in the next semester Decision making The main reason why I nominated decision making is due to its daily application in all level of management. When I was working, decision making was my chief problem. This is the process through which managers use to solve existing problems in an organization. It is the key aspects that single out the performance of a manager. In most organization, the success of any organization depends on the decision made by the management. When I was working as a scripter, my key weakness was making the right decisions on time. The manager of the company was always complaining about it, and this triggered me to find mean s to hasten my decision making skills. The main reason why I did not make decisions on time was due to the uncertainty of the outcome (Drucker and Maciariello 56) Guidelines that influence decision making 1. Define the problem. This involves identifying the decision that will help in the attainment of the organizational objectives. The problem may be short-term or long-term. 2. Identification of limiting factors. The decision maker should analyze the ideal resources that are required to implement the decision that is to be made. The manager must have adequate information, personnel, time, supplies and equipment. The manager should also take into account the internal and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Suggestions for Airlines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Suggestions for Airlines - Essay Example This paper outlines that customers do not appreciate buying airline tickets at what they think is a fair price, only to find numerous surcharges added to the ticket. The price quote customers receive is misleading. It would be beneficial for airlines to sell tickets up front at the true price – the price of the ticket plus all the taxes. This idea is similar to the way gasoline is sold. A price of $3.19 per gallon is the final price with all taxes included. Similarly, an airline ticket of $319 should be the final price with all taxes included. Someone should not have to buy a $200 airline ticket only to find out the true total is $319. From this paper it is clear that if airlines continue to struggle financially, they should consider making part of the company available to the public via stocks in order to earn some money back. For airlines that are already available in stocks, they should consider releasing more shares to the public. The fourth thing airlines should do is provide incentives to current and potential future customers. The idea of frequent flyer miles does not seem to be working enough to sustain the airlines. Perhaps airlines could take a hint from retailers. They can offer coupons good â€Å"for a limited time only.† Or they could offer cash back good towards a future purchase. For example, for every $250 spent on an airline ticket, the customer receives a $25 credit toward the next ticket. By taking this action, airlines may be able to secure recurring customers. The last thing the airlines could do to help their survival is offer more for the same amount of money. More and more often peop le complain of poor customer service at airports and on airlines. Politeness goes a long way. A lot of courtesy can help retain customers and lack of manners can turn them away. Efficiency needs to be improved as well.

Monday, November 18, 2019

A Rose for Emily Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

A Rose for Emily - Essay Example The story brings opposite side of an individual different from the real life situation. This is seen in the character of Emily in the story. Emily is not able to grip death idea and instead suffers denial. When Emily’s father passed away, people in the town expected that she will be in a state of grief, but this was the contrary. Emily claimed that her father was not dead as people in town thought. Emily did not accept the fate of death and she held her father as if he was still alive. Emily did not accept death and as a result she killed Homer Barron to prevent him from leaving. Emily refused people to enter in her house because she kept the body of Homer Barron inside (Faulkner 2). Emily had a bad motive towards Homer Barron that resulted in murder. From the beginning of the story, Emily was not affected by the death, but this could not have made her act badly against Barron. Emily actions were as a result of supernatural forces. When Emily's father died, Emily did not care but held her father as if he was still alive. Emily remained stubborn and prevented changes brought about by the death or other means from taking place in town. She was also afraid of change and refused to allow the city people to include a number for mail in her house (Faulkner 22). After Emily’s funeral people were curious to know what she had been hiding from the house. The town people rushed and broke the house in which Emily lived in order to find out what she was hiding. People were surprised to find Homer Barron corpse decomposed on the bed together with a thread of Emily’s grey hair. Emily's characters and belief in death made her live an ordinary life.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Theories of Motivation and Stress in Organisations

Theories of Motivation and Stress in Organisations Many organisations have decided to reorganise their traditional hierarchical structure into modern team structures. Select the key theories in the areas of motivation and stress and link them to the challenges organisations implementing this type of change may face. One of the key factors in creating and maintaining a successful business is the ability to adapt to changes in the external environment, whether responding to competitors, customers, or the macro-environment, such as legal, environmental, or political changes, for example. The decision to reorganize traditional hierarchical structures into modern team structures is one such example of adapting to changes in the way businesses are run worldwide, and reaping the benefits of innovation. However, change, whether ultimately for better or worse, can have a direct impact on stress and motivation, particularly for workers if there is change in the workplace. Traditional hierarchical structures have certain characteristics and can be represented in Maslows hierarchy of needs diagram whereby there are many levels of management and command. There are very visible divisions of power and job roles are clearly defined. Communication usually starts from the top and works it way down via management. On the other hand, modern team structures are characterized by shared goals and responsibility, whereby communication is supposedly more fluid between workers, as the organizational structure is flatter. Team working, by definition, allows more interaction between people, and job roles may also be more fluid depending on what is needed to achieve shared goals. It can be argued that the transition from one structure to another can be linked to change in ones motivation to work. Motivation is described by Fincham and Rhodes (2005, pp732) as the extent to which an individual is engaged by the work role he or she occupies. Maslows hierarchy of needs is probably one of the most famous theories used in the study of motivation to analyse human behaviour at work, although according to Fincham and Rhodes (2005, pp197) his work wasnt originally intended to be and explanation of motivation in the workplace. Nonetheless, his hierarchy of needs is a founding example of content theory, which is based on the assumption that we can attribute a similar set of needs to all individuals (Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp193). According to Maslow, there are five levels of need innate in all humans, which must be satisfied in turn. Once the first need is satisfied, unconsciously what then exerts a more powerful influence on our behaviour is the need at the next level up the hierarchy (Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp193). The five levels of the hierarchy ascend from very basic Physiological needs such as food, warmth, clothing and shelter, to Security needs, whereby the person in question must feel safe and free from fear, in a comfortable environment. Once these needs are fulfilled, the attention is then turned to Social needs such as the requirement for supportive and fulfilling relationships with others. These first three levels chart a persons basic deficiency needs and are factors that figure in ones psychological growth. The next levels, Self-esteem needs, and ultimately, Self-actualisation needs, are what Maslow regarded as higher-order needs, and the development of these needs represents the end point of a gradual process of psychological maturation (Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp195). Fulfilling Self-esteem needs would involve a requirement for recognition, and a building up of self belief, whilst fulfilling Self-actualisation needs are the ultimate goal of human beings according to Maslow. This would encompass all that is needed for someone to realize their full potential, and thus would differ depending on the person. Herzberg, another famous content theorist, builds upon Maslows hierarchy, which although is very interesting and a staple in most motivation theory books, is more or less unsubstantiated by empirical study. Herzbergs two-factor theory of motivation stemmed from interviews with a number of workers, where two factors emerged, hygiene, and motivators. Hygiene factors are similar to Maslows first three levels of need, and represent the need to avoid pain (Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp199). In the sphere of work they represent primary needs we have as animals, that are minimum requirements that one must have in order not to be demotivated at work, but do not actually serve to motivate us. Motivators, on the other hand, represent Maslows last two levels of need, and reflect the need for self actualization. These would include things such as responsibility, recognition, promotion, achievement and intrinsic aspects of the job, and Herzberg argued that designing jobs which incorporated these t ypes of motivators would indeed increase motivation in staff. One could argue that the transition from one type of organizational structure to another should be designed to incorporate the motivators or higher level-needs for staff in order to ease transition. If any of these factors are being diminished because of the transition, then psychologically, this would have the effect of demotivating staff. However, the emergence of process theory in motivation has arisen out of some criticism of content theory which seems to lump all human beings together homogeneously, and assume everyone will and does act in the same way depending on external factors. If this were the case then this essay question would not exist as one would be able to design the transition so that all needs are not impacted on negatively. However, process theory realizes the role that an individuals cognitive processes have in determining his or her level of motivation (Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp202). Theorists such as Adams regard Equity theory as fairly important in process theory as it describes a workers concern with fairness and equity, which is measured by how much reward is received in relation to effort (or inputs such as skill, experience, intelligence, seniority) they put in at work, compared to others around them, and indeed compared to their past work experiences. Vrooms expectancy theory builds upon this premise by suggesting that the link between effort and reward could be viewed as a process in which individuals calculated first whether there was connection between effort and their performance (expectancy), then the probability that valued rewards (valences) would follow form high performance (instrumentality) (Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp208). In studies, Vroom was able to produce an instrumentality index from students who had rated the importance of various job goals, and in turn how well certain organizations would satisfy these goals. This index was used to predict which job each student should apply for. This type of theory highlights how differently individuals can perceive job satisfaction, and organizational structure transitions should be monitored in order to see how each worker could be affected by such change, and try to take steps to ensure workers will see rewards in changing into self-managed teams. Will they feel that extra work is needed, with little reward, or will the idea of building relationships with fellow staff and taking more responsibility for their work empower them? This will seemingly differ a lot from worker to worker based on process theory. A number of characteristics of self-managed teams seem to include motivators such as responsibility, shared goals and social cohesion, which would hopefully overcome initial fear of change. Whilst motivation must be maintained by the organization during a transition, the idea of stress, particularly during periods of perceived instability (a by-product of change) by workers and could impact negatively. There are a number of definitions for stress such as Edwards (cited in Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp62) who suggests that it comes from an inability to cope with the demands the environment makes a person, and is caused by a lack of fit with the environment. This could certainly be the case with regard to changing job roles, or indeed changing the structure within which you work, as the case would be in considering this essay question. A survey by the Confederation of British Industry in the UK found that stress was the second most prevalent cause of sickness absenteeism, costing industry around  £4 billion (cited in Fincham and Rhodes 2005, pp80). Therefore making efforts in limiting the kinds of causes of stress discussed later will make the transition from traditional hierarchical structures into modern team structures will be very beneficial for businesses. Given that a transition into self-managed teams, will mainly involve a change in job role, it is useful to look at the role stressors that have an impact on stress levels. The first type of stressor would be role ambiguity (Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp63) and this is probably a pertinent one to start with it can be prevalent amongst matrix structure organisations and self-managed teams. It is argued that information sharing is increased within modern teams, however, this is an ideal, and is not always the case. Information deficiency, and an uncertainty about what your role encompasses can cause unrest and stress. If a worker is unable to clearly understand their place within a structure this has been found in studies to have repercussions in terms of reducing job satisfaction and increasing anxiety. It is likely that some of this could also be caused by a transition from another structure or role. If, in the case of this question, the role (in a team) is newly created, of which there is a one in three chance according to West et al 1987 (cited in Fincham and Rhodes 2005, pp66), then the worker will not have a point of reference, or a predecessor to look to, nor any advice from colleagues. It is crucial that a person is able to draw comfort from their social peers and not be left to muddle along. It could be argued that everyone will be in the same position if this were to happen to a whole organisation , and senior managers should try to invoke exercises such as team-building sessions to solidify the team and prevent alienation and thus stress from workers, where possible. Single role, and multiple role conflict are another set of factors that can impact on stress levels phenomenally for a lot of workers. Single role conflict tends to occur when there a number of elements to ones role and these elements cause conflict and paradoxes, and are therefore difficult to reconcile. Supervisors tend to suffer from this conflict particularly if they need to be command authority, yet maintain a social cohesion with work peers. The need to discipline a member of staff that they have a social affinity with could become stressful and cause upset. Multiple role conflict is an extension to this, but is more akin to conflict between roles at work and roles outside of work such as husband, mother, daughter, housewife etc. Cooper (2001) talks about the boundaries between work and home becoming blurred by technology (cited in Fincham and Rhodes, 2005), with the explosion in mobile communication and laptops making it all too easy to bring work home. Women, who are mothers and also work, can find that trying to juggle one role with another can cause them to feel more stressed out and can lead to neglect of both roles and feelings of personal failure because of this. Some form of stress seems to be inevitable with change of any kind, be it good or bad. However if the organisation making change is able to design teams and roles with workers health and wellbeing in mind, then this can be limited. Motivators are key components of roles that provide job satisfaction, although these can differ form worker to worker. A working mother could see a motivator, as flexible working hours within a team, in order to aid her role as carer. Making sure that there are processes in place to both address individual workers stressors, and to counteract these with appropriate means of motivation, even if it means having more informal meetings, and opening up lines of communication, will limit stress. However, it is important to remember that traditional hierarchical structures are also known to characteristically cause stress to employees. They tend to be bureaucratic in structure and can offer workers limited hope of changing unsatisfactory jobs or becoming more inn ovative within their roles. This can be termed as burnout and entrapment (Fincham and Rhodes, 2005, pp71) and reflects the reasons in which a business would choose to change the structure of an organisation into self-managed teams in the first place. Therefore, organisations should keep in mind that stress is endemic to work, but must be kept at manageable levels through the process of increasing workers motivation. Bibliography Fincham Rhodes, 2005, Fourth Edition, Principles of Organisational behaviour, Oxford University Press, New York

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Napoleon - an enlightened despot Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Enlightened despotism is when there is an absolute ruler, in some cases a tyrant, who follows the principles of the Enlightenment through reforms. Permitting religious toleration, allowing freedom of the press and speech, and expanding education are a few main guidelines to being and enlightened despot. Napoleon I is often referred to as one of the greatest enlightened despots. Although, he did not follow the ideas of the enlightenment entirely, he managed his country in a way that he maintained complete authority as well as many of the gains of the French Revolution. Yes, Napoleon did want to do a few things for himself, but he also ruled for the majority in most cases, promote government-funded education, and supported many other enlightened ideas. But, most importantly, Napoleon did what he thought would make his country stronger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of Napoleon’s first areas of concern was in the strengthening of the French government. He created a strong centralized government and pretty much got rid of the hundreds of localized law codes that had existed during under the control of the monarchy. He also created an army of government officials. He had the entire country linked under a rational administration. He also was able to get an easy supply of taxes and soldiers under his new and improved French government. Before he could get very far, however, he had to gain public favor and shape the public opinion. To do this he used reforms of propaganda and thus caused people to think that they were getting the better end of the deal, but were actually, subconsciously giving Napoleon their approval for his actions. Among some of the methods he used for propaganda included getting all of the printers and book sellers to swear an oath to Napoleon and all newspapers fell under state control, so Napoleon gained access to almost everything that the citizens of France were able to read. Many of the gains from the French Revolution were kept, such as equality before the law, and careers open to talent. Some anti-revolution actions that Napoleon took included repressing liberty, restoring absolutism, and ending political liberty. He believed that allowing political freedom would end with a state of anarchy. He believed that he could solve these problems by acting in favor of the people’s interests as an enlightened desp... ...ig concepts, such as equality before the law, but he also did what would benefit his country. It is important to understand that since France had just exited a revolution, it was pretty fragile; one big mistake and France might have ended up in another one. Napoleon was not only a child of both the French Revolution and the Enlightenment, he was also a very intelligent person. His cunning and his wits led him to be one of the greatest, if not the greatest enlightened despot of all time. Works Consulted (none). â€Å"The Age of Enlightenment.† 17 Dec. 2004. 18 Dec. 2004. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Enlightenment Bergeron, Louis. â€Å"France Under Napoleon: Napoleon as Enlightened Despot.† 13 Dec. 2004. Gay, Peter. The Enlightenment: An Interpretation New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1996 Kreis, Steven. â€Å"Europe and the Superior Being: Napoleon.† The History Guide: Lectures on Modern European Intellectual History. 13 May. 2004. 6 Dec. 2004. Karl, Kenneth. Cracking the AP European History Exam New York: Princeton Review Publishing, 2004: 118-120 Spielvogal, Jackson J. Western Civilization: Comprehensive volume California: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning, 2000: 517-518, 572-579, 917

Monday, November 11, 2019

Consequences of Chocies

In Romeo &Juliet, and its modern counterpart West Side Story, the choices the characters made, lead to their pain and suffering. Many of the choices that lead to negative consequences were because of characters in both Romeo & Juliet, and West Side Story acting out of love. Their love for someone made them act out in a way that kept their life at risk. Love can force someone to do things they would never even think of to do. In West Side Story, when Tony hears that Marl was murdered by Chino, he runs out In the open, calling out is name and asking Chino to kill him too.Tony knows that Chino can come out with a gun and kill him. But, because of his love for Marl, he risks his life to see If this news was true. HIS choice risked his life, and In the end, he was shot by Chino. In Romeo & Juliet, when Romeo hears of Gullet's death, he rides back to Verona to see it for himself. In the Caplet's grave, he sees Juliet â€Å"dead†. He does not have anything to live for because of his love's death. Due to this, he drinks poison and kills himself. â€Å"Here's to my love. [Drinking] O true apothecary, / Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a sis I die† (Shakespeare V, 3, 119-120).Because of Gullet's death, Romeo believes that there is no reason to live anymore. His love for Juliet forced him to drink the poison. It was a choice that he made, but an event that could have made both, Romeo and Juliet alive. The act of love is not the only emotion that can cause someone to make a wrong choice. The emotion of hatred can also cause someone to react In a way they would never do. Hatred can also make someone act In a way they never would. The hatred for someone or a group of people can lead someone to act out. Without thinking. Their hooch will lead to a great consequence.A grudge can also lead to a bad decision. With a bad decision, comes a major consequence. In Romeo & Juliet, Shakespeare writes about when Table demands to fight Romeo, even when the Prince warned both houses, if anyone causes a commotion, they will be executed. Table's hatred for Romeo and the Montage's for their appearance at the Caplet's dance caused him to require a fight. â€Å"Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries/ That thou hast done me. Therefore turn and draw† (Shakespeare Ill, 1, 67-68). Emotions can make someone act in ways that are absurd.The emotion basically takes over them, and makes them make terrible choices without even thinking about It. Generally, people make decisions based what seems the most reasonable or most ethical. A bad choice comes with a negative consequence. If that choice seems reasonable, he/she will pursue that choice, without going over the consequence that their choices will create. In Romeo & Juliet, Shakespeare writes about when Table kills Mercuric with his sword. When Romeo finds out that Mercuric was murdered by a Caplet, it greatly angers him and he runs to where Table and the Capsules are.Romeo draws his sword and demands a sword fight with Table to avenge his cousin's death. â€Å"Alive in triumph, and Mercuric slain! ‘ Away to heaven, respective lenient,] And fire eyed fury be my conduct now. -/ Now, Table, take the â€Å"villain† back again/ That late thou agaves me, for Americium's soul/ Is but a little way above our heads,] Staying for thing to keep him company. ‘ Either thou or l, or both, must go with him† (Shakespeare Ill, 1, 127- 134). Romeo definitely did not think this over, and he did not think about the outcome of his decision.Because of his decision to fight Table, he ended up murdering Table and getting banished from Verona. Ultimately, all bad decisions come from people not thinking the decision through. Because of not thinking decisions through, the main characters of Romeo & Juliet, and West Side Story suffered. The character's choices led to negative consequences and to their deaths. Emotions of the characters forced them to act in a wrong way and not realizing t he consequence of their actions brought them to their deaths. Life is definitely made of the choices people make in their lives.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Role of HR Management in Facilitating the Individual Adaptation of the Employees

The Role of HR Management in Facilitating the Individual Adaptation of the Employees Introduction The role of HR management in facilitating the individual adaptation of the employees can be based on several theories. These can be educational, psychological, organizational and economic theories. In tackling this topic, this research paper describes Maslow’s theory, McClelland’s need theory, equity theory and job design theory.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Role of HR Management in Facilitating the Individual Adaptation of the Employees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Maslow’s theory of need and Hierarchy This is one of the main psychological theories of motivation postulated by Abraham Maslow. He perceived human needs to be hierarchical and observed that after a set of need ceases to be a motivator after it has been satisfied (Weihrich Cannice, 2008, p. 330). According to Maslow, basic needs are in form of five sets of goals. These are self actualization, love, ph ysiological, esteem and safety. In Maslow’s perspective, what motivates employees in organizations is to ensure that they have the conditions on which these basic satisfactions are based and by desires that are more intellectual. People are continually in want and the satisfaction of these wants only tends to be mutually exclusive but in reality is not. The average person only attains partial satisfaction and partial dissatisfaction of want they want (Ramlall, 2004, p. 54). This theory implies a lot to the organizational HR management. They should devise programs and practices that fulfill the upcoming or unmet needs of employees. Another implication is for the management to help workers handle stress by coming up with focus groups and support programs. This will help employees deal with stressful times and is also meant to have an understanding of their needs. The managers’ role is to cultivate a good climate to facilitate the development of the employees’ full potential. Not doing this may frustrate employees, make them perform poorly, demotivate them and encourage them to withdraw from the organization (Ramlall, 2004, p. 54). McClleland’s Need Theory The three needs that this theory focuses on are power, achievement and affiliation. The need for power is influencing others to achieve. The need for affiliation is to wish for social relationships and related events.Advertising Looking for research paper on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The need for achievement is the drive to succeed and excel. Given that effective HR managers need to influence others in a positive way, they need to have a great need for power combined with a low affiliation need (Ramlall, 2004, p. 55). Equity theory According to this organizational theory, the concern of individuals is not just the sum of rewards earned for their efforts, but also how this relates to what is received by others. People tend to compare their inputs such as experience, proficiency and education with outcomes which include recognition, income levels and promotions. When there is an imbalance between people’s outcome-input ration with that of others, tension arises. The theory is based on three assumptions. First, people have certain believes regarding what determines a return that is just and equitable according to their inputs in job. â€Å"Second, the theory assumes that people tend to compare what they perceive to be the exchange they have with their employers (Ramlall, 2004, p. 55).† The third assumption is that when people believe they are being treated inequitably with regard to the exchange they observe their counterparts to be getting, they’ll be driven to take actions that they deem necessary (Theis, 2010, p. 28). Consequently, several options are created for employees who realize that they are getting unfair treatment. These options may includ e input reduction by employees through direct restriction of their work output, seeking an assignment that’s more enjoyable and seeking increases in salary as a way of trying to make an output increase (Ramlall, 2004, p. 55). The HR management’s challenge is therefore to devise fair and equitable reward mechanisms and giving the rewards based on what the employees believe with regard to the value they attach to the organization. Circumstances can be changed in the place of work to encourage improvement in the quality and quantity of work (Miner, 2007, p. 104). Job Design Theory The basis of this theory is that a task in itself forms a basis for motivation of employees. The motivation to perform excellently is stifled by a job that is boring, mundane and monotonous. There are three ways to make a job more challenging. These are decision authority, variety and autonomy. Both variety and challenge can be added to the job through job enrichment and job rotation (Ramlall, 2 004, p. 56).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Role of HR Management in Facilitating the Individual Adaptation of the Employees specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Reference list Miner, J.B. (2007). Organizational Behavior: From Theory to Practice. New York: M.E. Sharpe. Retrieved Ramlall, S. (2004). A Review of Employee Motivation Theories and their Implications for Employee Retention through Organizations. Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge. Retrieved from ftp://ftp.cba.uri.edu/Classes/Beauvais/HPR412/Ramlall_2004.pdf Theis, S. (2010). Attracting High Quality Human Capital by the Value of a Company Brand. Norderstedt, Germany: GRIN Verlag. Retrieved Weihrich, H. Cannice, M. (2008). Management. New Delhi: Tata-McGraw Hill Education. Retrieved

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

My FavouritePaper Sample

My Favorite Book, Essay/Paper Sample Most Influential Book The course of individual life is often shaped by the encounters and experiences that a person undergoes. Indeed, the choices that individuals make are determined by the lessons that they have learnt in their lives. Perhaps most of the lessons that individuals apply are derived from the literary works that that they come across and explore. In my case, Ben Carson’s book â€Å"Think Big: Unleashing Your Potential for Excellence† has had the most influence in my life. The book details the life and experiences of one of the world’s most renowned neurosurgeons, from the time he was considered a dunderhead in elementary school to the time he became one of the brightest medical students and surgeons of his time. This book not only underlines the effectiveness of hard work and determination, but also renews individual faith in God while also cementing the immaterial nature of the humbleness of one’s beginnings in determining his destiny. First, â€Å"Think Big† underlines the efficacy of hard work in safeguarding the achievement of one’s goals and objectives. Indeed, the author attributes the change in his performance in school to the hard work and effort that he put in the class. He details how he went the extra mile and read not only the topics and subjects that were assigned in the classroom but also other subjects that were not even remotely connected or associated with the course he was doing (Clarrissimeaux, 2011). This personal initiative and hard work came in handy in expanding his critical thinking faculties and enhancing his performance even in the course that he took. It is noteworthy that the effort that he put in his study right from elementary school had a bearing on his achievement of his goal of becoming a neurosurgeon later on in life (Clarrissimeaux, 2011). Secondly, the book renewed my faith in God as the author persistently attributes his success to Him. Right from the beginning, the author outlines the prayerful nature of his mother, an attribute that rubbed off on him. On numerous occasions, Ben Carson seeks the guidance and assistance of God in order to surmount the challenges on his path (Lozada, 2015). For instance, as much as he had worked hard, he still attributed his success in education to God. Indeed, the notes that if individuals acknowledge their need for God, He will be quick to assist them. Other examples are provided during more serious scenarios such as when he was performing his first brain surgery, the first one in the hospital where he was working (Lozada, 2015). This renewed my faith in God as it underlines the fact that irrespective of the magnitude of individual accomplishments and wisdom, individuals are still limited and, in fact, will always need God. Lastly, the book underlined the fact that one’s beginnings should not determine his capacity to achieve his dreams. It is acknowledged that the author did not come from an affluent background. Being a black son of a single mother, he details how his family did not always have sufficient resources (Carson Murphey, 1996). His mother’s income was not sufficient to bring up the two boys and provide luxuries in which case they were merely surviving. However, he states that one’s beginnings or looks do not matter and that if individuals recognize their abilities and have the willingness to learn and utilize their knowledge in assisting others, their place in the world is intact (Carson Murphey, 2006). This cements the fact that the quality of life that an individual has is solely determined by his actions and the choices he or she makes. In conclusion, Ben Carson â€Å"Think Big† has been the most influential in my life as it not only underlines the effectiveness of hard work and determination, but also renews individual faith in God while also cementing the immaterial nature of the humbleness of one’s beginnings in determining his destiny. The experiences of the author cement the fact that individuals have control over what happens in their lives, and reiterates the need to always ask God for assistance, while also cementing the value of hard work in achieving one’s objectives in life. References Carson, B., Murphey, C. B. (2006).  Think big: Unleashing your potential for excellence. Grand Rapids, Mich: Zondervan. Clarrissimeaux, A (2011). Never Give Up: Dr. Ben Carson’s only childhood advantage was his mother’s encouragement. Success, Web retrieved from success.com/article/never-give-up Lozada, C (2015). Ben Carson, the humblebragging instrument of God. The Washington Post, Web retrieved from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/book-party/wp/2015/11/05/ben-carson-the-humblebragging-instrument-of-god/?utm_term=.ffebc605eb69

Monday, November 4, 2019

Law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Law and ethics - Essay Example on, it is not wise for any director to take opportunities to serve their own interests on the account of the interests and gains of the company as this shows their incapability of fulfilling their duties of loyalty. Moreover, any director is liable to carrying out duties of care by obtaining information that enables him/her to make informed decisions. Directors should also make it their obligation to attend all committee and board meetings that are held during their tenure. This case discusses facts that relates to the failure of demonstrating fiduciary duties as director by Daniel by his move to persuade his colleagues to purchase a warehouse that was undervalued that worth more than $5000. Daniel also shows his incompetency by signing an insurance policy that was not capable of covering the risks of burglary and that which caused the company to loose $30000. It is clear that Daniel had a conflict of interest that benefitted Paul’s Ltd to pay lower prices and gain from the move by adding $3000 to his person al wealth. Daniel failed to carry out fiduciary duties of loyalty and care as an executive director, working as a chattered accountant of the Sofa & Bed Ltd. There is no doubt that he obtained all the necessary information before making his decision to buy the insurance policy, which caused the company to loose $30000. Daniel also fails to show his loyalty to the company when he allowed to be bribed by $3000 to offer lower price to Paul’s Ltd and accept the bribe as his person al gain. Corporate governance acts as a mechanism that protects the management; insiders from the outsiders; stakeholders, creditors, regulators and customers. Corporate governance; however, has shown major failure in the recent financial crisis, which portrayed a clear picture of real failure attributed to gatekeepers represented in audit and credit rating agencies when the CG failed to heed the alarm. Apparently, the gatekeeper too advantage of the deregulations proposed by SEC

Saturday, November 2, 2019

AT&t Wireless Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

AT&t Wireless - Essay Example I have selected following Micro-environmental factors: competitors, customers, and marketing relationships. I will also evaluate the marketing strategy of the AT&T Wireless. In this paper I will try to analyze the current market trends and AT&T Wireless marketing strategy to cater these trends. The main aim behind this research is to perceive and gain an insight into the organization Micro-environmental factors and resultant marketing strategy with accordance to those organization Micro-environmental factors changes and developments This section of the paper presents a brief introduction of AT&T Wireless and its organization framework.  AT&T Wireless is the major independently traded wireless mover in the US. AT&T Wireless covers one of the biggest digital wireless networks in North America. AT&T have around 18 million subscribers, and complete-year 2001 revenues of 13.6 billion dollars, AT&T Wireless is committed to being amongst the preliminary to bring the next generation of wireless goods and services. Nowadays, AT&T Wireless presents customers high-class wireless voice and data communications facilities and services in the United States, and worldwide. AT&T Wireless consumers’ advantage is the companys assurance to make sure that customers have the correct equipment, the correct calling arrangement, and the correct customer services options these days and tomorrow.1 For additional services and information, please visit us at www.attwireless.com. The previous may hold "forward-looking statements" which are footed on managements viewpoints in addition to on an amount of suppositions regarding future actions made by and information at present obtainable to management. With greater than 1 million vigorous customers are taking part in a accounted $7 to $8 in average profits per month, AT&T Wireless Services Inc.s mMode giving is observed by a number of industry analysts as a practical accomplishment in the early on phases of wireless

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Why is it important for the marketer to distinguish between customer Essay

Why is it important for the marketer to distinguish between customer acquisition, conversion, and retention when developing marketing strategies - Essay Example The dynamics of the three aspects are also very different, so telling them apart makes it easy for the marketer to develop an effective marketing strategy. Another important point is that all three concepts are methodical and systematic, meaning they have to be conducted in an orderly manner. Customer acquisition is always the first activity to be carried out, because customers cannot be acquired or retained if they do not exist. A marketer who can distinguish the three concepts is also more likely to understand that they must be conducted in an orderly fashion (Tracy 47). An ability to distinguish the three aspects gives the marketer the impetus to implement them effectively, and make the whole marketing strategy effective. Finally, distinguishing these concepts allows the marketer to identify possible mistakes made during the development of the marketing strategy. For example, if customer acquisition is not done effectively, the marketer can pinpoint the areas of weakness and develop appropriate measures to eliminate

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Improvised, Electronic, Device Essay Example for Free

Improvised, Electronic, Device Essay Always expanding and reconstructing electronic and industrial music to its breaking point while keeping rhythm and melody intact, FRONT LINE ASSEMBLY are preparing to unleash the latest chapter in their storied history with the release of IMPROVISED. ELECTRONIC. DEVICE. on June 25, 2010 on Dependent. I. E. D. is definitely furthering the direction of the band and sound, creatively and artistically, explains founder and mastermind behind FLA, Bill Leeb. Were finding new ways to make sound. A hearty and robust album thick with a hybrid of electronics and guitars, I. E. D. takes their trademark sound and beefs it up with metallic guitars and stylized industrial beats. Kicking off with the adrenaline-infused title track, its apparent that this is a new and improved FLA. This is the first time in Front Line history that we did a track in a 5/4 signature, explains Bill. Chris [Peterson, keyboards] was pushing for more diversity, challenging the band to do something different. We wanted this track to be as challenging and complex as the world we live in as there are no easy answers. From the electronic bounce of Hostage to the dark metal of Release to the ambient and atmospheric closing track, Downfall, I. E. D. is an album rife with the FLAs brand of intelligent dance music. The first single Shifting Through the Lens is the most danceable track FLA has created in the last decade and came together quite naturally. Jeremy [Inkel, keyboards] came up with the original sequence for the verse and chorus and, right away, I really liked what I heard, Bill explains. It really brings together a lot of the different aspects of industrial and electronic that we all like. The inimitable Al Jourgensen (Ministry, Revolting Cocks) guests on the sonic industrial onslaught of Stupidity, which Bill describes as, inspired by the Ministry album The Last Sucker. Jeremy was on tour with his other band Left Spine Down supporting RevCo and he get to know Al really well. Were really excited to have him on it! Adds Jeremy, Not only did Al agree to do the vocals, but he got his hands dirty with the production and mixed the whole song in his studio in El Paso. Formed in 1986 when Bill left Skinny Puppy, FLA are still as vital and energetic as ever. With US and European tours planned for Summer and Fall 2010, theyre gearing up for their legendary epic live performances. Were quite excited [to tour], Bill adds. We feel we have grown as a band over the last four years. We really eel this new album will sound great live and cant wait to get out there and be creative with it! Silver Recovery Canisters for Used X-ray Fixer in Dental Offices Using silver recovery units for the management of used fixer only makes economic and practical sense if the flow of used fixer is at least 2-3 gallons per week. Most dental offices generate a gallon or less of used fixer per month; not enough flow to make on site silver recovery cost-effective, due to the cost of buying and periodic replacement of the two required units. Such minimal flow also allows the steel wool in the recovery units to rust between uses, making the units ineffective in as little as 6 months after first use. Setting up two silver recovery canisters in a series can range from $200 to $1,700. Operating, changeover, and testing costs can add an additional $150-$300 annually. Most dental offices only generate ? to 1 gallon of used fixer per month, making proper on-site silver recovery not very cost-effective. Hazardous Waste Services Directory is a database that offers a list of companies that can help you to manage silver waste

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Erik Eriksons Developmental Theory Case Study

Erik Eriksons Developmental Theory Case Study Human Development This human development assignment will discuss an overview of Erik Erikson’s background, theory and his eight developmental stages. Then this assignment will briefly discuss Mr Paki’s developmental stage and his experience .e.g. physical, emotional, cultural and social. Later it will discuss the actions and the support to assist Mr Paki with his situation. Part (A) Erik Erikson was a psychologist who developed his psychosocial development theory in 1963. He was born in 1902 in Germany; his biological father abandoned him before he was born. Erik Erikson studied arts and many different languages and after he graduated he worked as a professor. Moreover, in 1930 he married Joan Serson who was an artist and dancer but later on she helped Erik with his psychosocial development theory. Erikson was influenced by Freud’s development theory but Erikson also believed that human develop throughout their life span. However, Freud believed that our personality formed after the age of five (Bradley, 2002). Erik Erickson developed eight stages of human development and he also believed that each person go through every stages throughout life span. In each stage, Erikson believed that, â€Å"people experience a  conflict  that serves as a turning point in development. In Eriksons view, these conflicts are entered on either developing a psychological quality or failing to develop that quality. During these times, the potential for personal growth is high, but so is the potential for failure (Cherry, 2014.† The first stage is Trust versus Mistrust (birth to 1 year) in this stage an infant develops trust when a parent response to his/her needs. However, it can also lead to mistrust when a parent is not responding to them. Second stage is Autonomy versus shame and doubt (1 to 4 years) in this stage, children are learning to gain self-confident. For example, toilet training, children are learning to control their body’s function which can lead to self-independence and control. But if children who are not completing this stage, they are most likely to lose their confident. Third stage is initiative versus guilt (4 to 8 years), in this stage children begin to show their power and control over the world through sports and other social interaction. If a parent started to demand too much discipline they induce extreme guilt (Berk, 2010, p.17). Fourth stage is industry versus inferiority (8 to 12 years) in this stage, children start to gain confident to work with their peers cooperatively but inferiority begins when a child is not receiving encouragement from their parents, teachers or students which can lead to failure in the future (Berk, 2010, p.17). Fifth stage is identity versus role confusion (12 to 20 years) in this stage, children are started to identify their role in the world. For example, children are trying to find a way to fit into the society by creating a strong identity with interacting with others and relationships. Moreover, confusion occurs when a child has conflicts about his/her role in society (Berk, 2010, p.17). Sixth stage is intimacy and solidarity versus isolation (20 to 30 years) in this stage, young people enters into intimacy relationships in which they let other people see their physical characteristics of their nature. But young adult may feel isolated when they unable to become closer to others (Berk, 2010, p.17). Seventh stage is generativity versus self-absorption and stagnation (30 to 60 years) in this stage; middle aged adults provide help to the next generation, take place in community work and help others. According to Erickson the idea of generativity is that middle age adult’s attempts to produce something that makes a difference to society, for instance. Some middle adults may feel stagnation if they are not able to take responsibilities (Berk, 2010, p.17). Eighth stage is integrity versus despair (60 years to death) in this stage, late adults or older adults reflect back at their accomplishments and life satisfaction. For example, People feel proud of their achievements when completing this phase with no or few regrets. But people who do not succeed in this stage, they will have many regrets and might that feel their life has been wasted (Berk, 2010, p.17). Part (B) According to Erik Erickson’s theory of development Mr Paki is experiencing eighth stage which is integrity versus despair (60 years to death) because he is 70 years old. Moreover Mr Paki is more likely to experiencing the physical, emotional, cultural and social changes in his life. Physical When people get to this age group(60 years to death) they are more likely to experiencing respiratory system problems and Mr Paki is 70 years old and he has a history of Emphysema and it could be because of smoking or ageism. He also has fractured his right his and his movements are very limited. Barbeler (2013) mentioned that in this age, â€Å"their joints become less elastic and flexible with the loss and calcification of cartilage. The loss of bone density particularly affects long bones and vertebrae. The curve of the lower back changes resulting in a change to the centre of gravity.† (p. 233) Emotional In this stage older adults becomes more selective about whom they choose to spend their time with. In Mr Paki’s situation, he has lost his confidence and ability to cope with activities because of his fractured hip but his whanau visit him regularly and give him the support he need. Moreover he could be concerned and depressed about his wife who is dealing with early dementia. Cultural Ethnicity and linguistic diversity are can often create problems in one’s culture. A person with a diverse cultural background who is ageing in a different environment can face with many challenges (Barbeler, 2013). According to the scenario Mr Paki is Maori and he is been sent to rehabilitation, lack of cultural interaction and communication problems can lead to isolation and feelings of alienation. Social Mr Paki has limited movements because of his fractured right hip and he has lost his daily activity moments because of this Mr Paki is likely to be experiencing loss of confidence in his ability. He might be feeling lonely because there is no interaction between with his friends or community. He might be experiencing depression because in his age group, this is a serious condition and it can be linked with a loss of independent function, cognitive impairment, poor response to rehabilitation and diminished recovery. Older patients face many challenges as they go through the last stage of Erik Erikson’s theory which could be because of their retirement, changes in health status or relationships with friends and family. A nurse should always listen to their patients instead of making assumptions about what patient’s value or what they aim for in their life (Barbeler, 2013). According to the scenario a nurse will put in place actions and support to under physical, emotional, cultural and social to assist Mr Paki. Physical To assist Mr Paki with his physical condition, as he has fractured his right hip, he has limited movement and Mr Paki had lost his confident to cope with activities of daily living (ADL’s) References Bradley, M.E. (2002). Psyography: Erik Erikson. Retrieved from: http://faculty.frostburg.edu/mbradley/psyography/eriker ikon.html Barbeler, C. (2013). Older adulthood. In Koutoukidis, G., Stainton, K., Hughson, J. (2013). Tabbner’s Nursing Care: Theory and Practice. (pp 230-248). China: Libby Houston. Cherry, K. (2014). Eriksons Theory of Psychosocial Development: Psychosocial Development in Infancy and Early Childhood. Retrieved from: http://psychology.about.com/od/psychosocial theories/a/psychosocial.htm

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essays --

The People of the State of Michigan v. Ricky F. Smith is a court case where Mr. Smith’s juvenile record came into consideration during sentencing as an adult. Ricky F. Smith had an extensive criminal background as a minor. According to 437 Mich. 293, 470 N.W. 2d 70, defendant Ricky Smith had twelve criminal entries on his juvenile record. The twelve entries included seven prior felonies, three misdemeanors and two memorandums of charges. As an adult, Ricky Smith was arrested for breaking and entering with the intent to commit larceny as an adult. During the sentencing of the breaking and entering, as an adult, the judge took into account the alleged expunged juvenile record of the defendant. The Judge said that the sentence was imposed because Smith's record included seven prior felonies and three misdemeanors, and he viewed the sentence as appropriate to punish Smith, to protect society, and to deter others from committing like offenses. As a result Smith was sentenced un der a habitual offender statute that required a mandatory six to thirty years in prison (leagle.com, n.d.). Ricky Smith immediately appealed his sentence claiming that he would have only served a sentence of three and a half to ten years on the breaking and entering charge; however the presiding judge vacated that sentence and moved further with the habitual offender charge which carried a heavier sentence. Mr. Smith’s counsel appealed the lower court’s decision to the Michigan Court of Appeals on grounds that he was entitled to be resentenced because his earlier sentence was based on a â€Å"presentence investigation report† that contained a reference to his juvenile criminal record. According to Smith, this juvenile record should have been automatically ex... ...by counsel or waived representation. This construction would permit the probate court to maintain its own housekeeping system without imposing a "secondary source" rule on probation officers and trial Judges (leagle.com, n.d.). The court also recognized a modern view of sentencing and showed that a particular sentence is to balance of society’s need for protection and maximizing the rehabilitation of the offender. In order to do this, a judge must view the juvenile court history to reveal patterns of law breaking in an effort to reach an informed sentencing decision. The Court of Appeals, led by Justices Cavanaugh, C.J. and Binkly concurred with a decision to reverse and remand the case. Resource: leagle.com. (n.d.). People v. smith. Retrieved from http://www.leagle.com/xmlResult.aspx?page=1&xmldoc=1991730437Mich293_1713.xml&docbase=CSLWAR2-1986-2006&SizeDisp=7

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle

THE BENEFITS OF HEALTHY LIFESTYLE Health is a pattern of individual practices and personal behavioral choices that are related to reduce health risk. Chasing a healthy lifestyle is becoming the hot issue among the citizens nowadays. Why citizens so care about a healthy lifestyle? This is because there are too many benefits of having healthy lifestyle and these benefits are becoming more apparent. First benefit is, it can ensure a good mental health. Mental health depends upon health lifestyle choices.We will experience a good mental health when we are founding a balance in our social, emotional and psychological areas of life. In this case, social contact is playing an important role. When we have a good mental health, we are in a place of peace and it will enhance our life quality. So, it is vital to foster a healthy lifestyle. Also, strength is another benefit. With a healthy lifestyle, we have strength to train to help build the muscle that supports the bones and joints, therefore decreasing the risk of falls and fractures.Our bones will begin to lose mass and strength results of ageing. It is essential for us to develop a healthy lifestyle by doing weight-bearing exercise like walking to prevent osteoporosis. Last but not least, no one wants to overweight. Thus, this is the most common reason that people want a healthy lifestyle. Living by having a healthy lifestyle is the best way to lose weight. The healthy lifestyle choices like stopping smoking, reducing alcohol intake and eating well-balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables will help to maintain a healthy weight.The weight within normal limits can also significantly reduce the risk of heart disease and improve overall health and well-being. For people of all ages, weights, and abilities, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are endless. However, the lifestyle is influenced by our own attitude. If we are yearning for a healthy lifestyle, then we must being proactive in our health and thus, cre ating a healthy lifestyle to guarantee our future life.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

America Pathway Tto The Present Chp2-3 Essays - Tribal Chiefs

America Pathway Tto The Present Chp2-3 Essays - Tribal Chiefs America Pathway Tto The Present Chp2-3 1. (A) Reformation- a new complication arose in the early 1500s, when a powerful religious movement, the Reformation, brought bitter divisions to Europe. During the Reformation, a new Christian faith, called Protestantism, developed in protest against what was seen as the corruption and inadequery of Catholic Church. Because the English were Protestant and the Irish were Catholic, the Reformation also heightened the conflict between the English and the Irish. (B) Joint Stock Company-They called the new village Jamestown in honor of their king, James I. The land itself they called Virginia, after their last ruler, Elizabeth, who had never married and bore the title Virgin Queen. The 104 adventures who started the colony were shareholders in the Virginia Company, a joint stock company established in London in 1606. Investors, or shareholders, who each contributed money to the cots of an enterprise, and expected a share of profit, organized joint stock companies like the Virginia Company. Most of the investors in Virginia Company remained in England. But young men could earn a share by simply paying their way to Virginia. At first the colony was made up exclusively of men; women and children eventually followed. (C) Indentured Servants- To produce tobacco, planters needed people to work the fields. During the first sixty years after the founding of the colony, they turned primarily to indentured servants from England. These were people who had to work for a master for a period of time, usually seven years, under a contract called an indenture. In return for their work, their master paid the cost of their voyage to Virginia and gave them food and shelter. Some indentures promised a piece of land to the servant at the end of the indentured period. Historians estimate that between 100,000 and 150,000 men and women came as servants to work in the fields of Virginia and Maryland during the 1600s. Most of them were eighteen to twenty-two years of age, unmarried, and poor. Few of the indentured servants lived long enough to claim their land at the end of their service. Exposure to the climate and diseases of the Chesapeake Bay killed them in horrendous numbers. (D) Enclosure Movement- Land owners had found that they could make more money from raising livestock than they could collect rent from tenant farmers. The landowners forced their tenants to leave and turned fields into pasture, or enclosed them. Many people in Europe lost their homes as a result of this enclosure movement. Thus, England was swarming with young people in search of food and work. Called, masterless men and women because they had no master, or employer, they had few other choices besides signing indentures to work for land in Virginia. 2. (A) Powhatan- Most of them recognized the authority of one powerful group, the Pamunkey people. They particularly honored the Pamunkey leader, Powhatan. Paying him tribute- =a kind of tax-in skins, beads, and food. Within weeks of the first attack on the English, several Englishmen traveled to neighboring Native American villages to offer tribute of their own and to persuade the Native American that their intentions in settling in the area were good. Powhatan had every reason to distrust those intentions. The Spanish had captured Powhatans brother, Opechancanough, in the 1560s. Doubtless Opechancanough and Powhatan understood well that the settlement was a threat to their peoples way of life. (B) John Smith- The Adventures had migrated to Virginia to become wealthy by living off the work of others. In Europe wealthy landowners did little physical work. When me who were or wanted to be gentlemen came to Virginia, their leader John Smith found it difficult to get them to work at all. Even when they were starving, many men simply refused to compromise their image of themselves as gentlemen by growing corn. In 1608 smith warned them: You must obey this now for a law, that he that will not work shall not eat for the labors of thirty or forty honest and industrious men shall not be consumed to maintain a hundred and fifty idle loiterers. 3. The English based their pattern of conquest on their experiences in Ireland, the island nation off their western coast. For centuries,